Saturday, December 10, 2011

Beginners - Thoughts, Writings and Self Forgiveness - Conscious, SubConscious and UnConscious Mind

This series of recordings, is just another fascinating and supportive interview made by Desteni, and sold at Eqafe for a symbolic price of 9.89Euro.

i can't express enough how much the material has been supportive for me.

i am studying my masters in education, going through lots of developmental psychology and cognitive developmental courses - it all fades in the deep and profound understanding of self as presented in the desteni materials

if you consider yourself to be a true seeker, if you consider yourself to investigate yourself within and as this physical reality we all share and exist as - you owe it to yourself to push through the resistance which will naturally come up, as it always dose when brutal truth is being spoken, and allow yourself for the first time to breathe, as self, as equal and one, and start walking this process with us, as we realize, correct and change ourselves within the principle of equality and oneness, creating a world that is best for all in all ways - living within the one and only principle of equality as what as best for all as one.


We’re covering here the basic points that self will face as one’s Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind in initially starting walking one’s process of facing the Mind as self – as we take you through One Dimension in/as which the Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind exist as ‘Thought manifestations’. Thought-manifestation as the basic first parts/components of/as the Mind that self will face when starting one’s process and provide practical perspective and examples of taking one’s process of self-realisation/self-change through from writing to self forgiveness in preparing self to establish self within and as the physical, to be able to live actual real self-change within/as the process of self-corrective application.

  1. Beginners: Conscious-Mind Thought-manifestation:
    Giving perspective of the dimension of Thought-manifestation as it exist within the Conscious-Mind that self will initially face, especially in the beginning and also the duration of one’s Process as facing self as the Mind. Please note, that – this cover only one dimension as one part of one’s process within the context of what self will most prominently face only in the beginning of one’s process of facing self as the Mind.
  2. Beginners: Subonscious-Mind Thought-manifestation:
    Giving perspective of the dimension of Thought-manifestation as it exist within the Subonscious-Mind that self will initially face, especially in the beginning and also the duration of one’s Process as facing self as the Mind. Please note, that – this cover only one dimension as one part of one’s process within the context of what self will most prominently face only in the beginning of one’s process of facing self as the Mind.
  3. Beginners: Unconscious-Mind Thought-manifestation
    Giving perspective of the dimension of Thought-manifestation as it exist within the Unconscious-Mind that self will initially face, especially in the beginning and also the duration of one’s Process as facing self as the Mind. Please note, that – this cover only one dimension as one part of one’s process within the context of what self will most prominently face only in the beginning of one’s process of facing self as the Mind.
  4. Beginners: Conscious-Mind Thought-Manifestation Writing:
    Assisting and supporting with practical example of how to walk self-honest, self-directive space-time-writing with taking-on a thought-manifestation of the Conscious-Mind to walking self into and as the living-solution of/as self-change, self-realisation.
  5. Beginners: Subconscious-Mind Thought-Manifestation Writing:
    Assisting and supporting with practical example of how to walk self-honest, self-directive space-time-writing with taking-on a thought-manifestation of the Subconscious-Mind to walking self into and as the living-solution of/as self-change, self-realisation.
  6. Beginners: Unconscious-Mind Thought-Manifestation Writing:
    Assisting and supporting with practical example of how to walk self-honest, self-directive space-time-writing with taking-on a thought-manifestation of the Unconscious-Mind to walking self into and as the living-solution of/as self-change, self-realisation.
  7. Beginners: Conscious-Mind Thought-manifestation Self-Forgiveness:
    Showing how to practically walk self-forgiveness in in facing a/the Thought-manifestation of/as the Conscious-Mind to assist/support self in releasing self from/of the/ pre-programmed system to establishing a self-starting point in/as the physical to prepare self in standing-up to be able to effectively change self through/as practical corrective application.
  8. Beginners: Subconscious-Mind Thought-manifestation Self-Forgiveness:
    Showing how to practically walk self-forgiveness in in facing a/the Thought-manifestation of/as the Subconscious-Mind to assist/support self in releasing self from/of the/ pre-programmed system to establishing a self-starting point in/as the physical to prepare self in standing-up to be able to effectively change self through/as practical corrective application.
  9. Beginners: Unconscious-Mind Thought-manifestation Self-Forgiveness:
    Showing how to practically walk self-forgiveness in in facing a/the Thought-manifestation of/as the Unconscious-Mind to assist/support self in releasing self from/of the/ pre-programmed system to establishing a self-starting point in/as the physical to prepare self in standing-up to be able to effectively change self through/as practical corrective application.

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